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Mobile phone:185-3786-0811
address:No. 268, Yuliang Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province
  • Analysis on the gap of corn processing equipment industry

    With the continuous development of national economy, every industry in developing countries is developing rapidly, especially corn processing equipment industry. The development of machinery industry reflects the comprehensive strength of a......【more】

  • Price and disadvantage of small flour machine

    The small flour machine is famous for its flexible processing, convenient operation, different processing performance and great difference in power determining processing capacity. Therefore, the price of the small flour machine is also dif......【more】

Copyright ? 2019-2021 開(kāi)封市奧盛工貿(mào)有限公司版權(quán)所有 Record number:豫ICP備16027044號(hào)
Telephone:0371-22932555Mobile phone:185-3786-0811
Address:No. 268, Yuliang Road, Kaifeng City, Henan ProvinceTechnical support:xinpower
Kaifeng Aosheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the design, manufacturing, sales, installation and other related businesses of grain machinery and equipment. Welcome to inquire!

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