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Analysis on the gap of corn processing equipment industry
author: time:2019-11-18
With the continuous development of national economy, every industry in developing countries is developing rapidly, especially corn processing equipment industry. The development of machinery industry reflects the comprehensive strength of a country. Therefore, the key to improve the mechanical industry of every developing country is to improve the mechanical industry. Like corn processing equipment, as a common agricultural machinery, it has been paid more and more attention.
In recent years, the corn processing equipment industry has made some progress, but compared with the traditional industry, it still has great potential. Now, we will talk about the gap analysis of corn processing equipment industry in developing countries.
First of all, corn processing equipment industry has strong technical strength. The limitation of capital and the shortage of technical force lead to the gap of corn processing equipment industry.
So what should we do? It requires the corn processing equipment industry to improve its own development level, learn from foreign management mode, and improve its technical strength.
Second, the corn processing equipment industry and manufacturers always have weak brand awareness. It is difficult for us to form a unified international market. Many corn processing equipment manufacturers rely heavily on foreign equipment, which is at a disadvantage in the international market competition.
In addition, we should also learn foreign manufacturing technology, create our own brand, so that our corn processing equipment industry to a broader international market!

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Address:No. 268, Yuliang Road, Kaifeng City, Henan ProvinceTechnical support:xinpower
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