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MNMS30A emery roll rice mill
author: time:2019-11-30


  This type of equipment, mainly used for brown rice husking and whitening, is featured with compact structure, innovative design and easy disassembly and assembly; besides, high negative pressure rice milling technology is adopted, with low rice temperature, little broken rice and smooth discharge of bran, which makes it a kind of ideal equipment for 100~120T high-quality rice processing plant.


  1、It has innovative design and attractive appearance.

  2、It is featured with stable mechanical performance, compact structure and easy disassembly and assembly.

  3、Rice milling via high negative pressure can guarantee less broken rice, more fine rice and smooth discharge of bran.

  4、Current and negative pressure can be displayed; negative pressure is adjustable; and operation is much easier.

  5、Motor belt pulleys with different speeds are provided to process different kinds of rice.

Model Output (t/h) Power (kw)
MNMS30A 4-5 37-45

Copyright ? 2019-2021 開封市奧盛工貿(mào)有限公司版權(quán)所有 Record number:豫ICP備16027044號
Telephone:0371-22932555Mobile phone:185-3786-0811
Address:No. 268, Yuliang Road, Kaifeng City, Henan ProvinceTechnical support:xinpower
Kaifeng Aosheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the design, manufacturing, sales, installation and other related businesses of grain machinery and equipment. Welcome to inquire!

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