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FSFJ series single-storehouse plansifter
author: time:2019-11-29


  This type of equipment is newly designed based on similar equipment of Italy OCRIM Company. Its performances are similar to those of double-storehouse plansifter. Compared with double-storehouse plansifter, it is smaller in size, stronger in applicability and more flexible, and it is more suitable in relatively smaller workshops, especially.


  1、It is easy to install and disassemble the screen frame and lattice;

  2、Fiberglass suspender is adopted;

  3、It is featured with satisfactory sealing effect, free of flying dust;

  4、Lattice and sieve core are made of high-quality wood, and aluminium wrap angle is adopted for lattice;

  Technical parameters:

Model Spec. of lattice (mm) Layers of lattice Sifting area (㎡) Main shaft speed (r/
Turning diameter (mm)
FSFJ1×83 830×830 10-12 3.17 290 40
FSFJ1×100 1000×1000 10-12 4.5
FSFJ1×120 1200×1200 10-12 5.5

Copyright ? 2019-2021 開封市奧盛工貿(mào)有限公司版權(quán)所有 Record number:豫ICP備16027044號
Telephone:0371-22932555Mobile phone:185-3786-0811
Address:No. 268, Yuliang Road, Kaifeng City, Henan ProvinceTechnical support:xinpower
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