
地址:河南 · 開封市余良路268號(hào)
Floor Type Wheat Milling Equipment
作者:admin 發(fā)布日期:2019-11-30 點(diǎn)擊量:


Purifier workshop

Square plansifter workshop

Air-suction net workshop

Flour mill workshop

Fully-automatic control system

  With the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the precision requirements for food are also constantly enhanced. Food processing enterprises can meet the market requirements only by improving processing precision. To serve the society in an even better fashion and meet the requirements of food processing plant for high-quality flour, in line with the principle of customer first, our company updates and develops new equipment and processes. It is more suitable for new construction of large flour mill and project reformation; large output, high flour extraction rate, low energy consumption and easy operation and maintenance are stressed; besides, the production requirements for flour of various grades and special flour can be met.

Model Product Power (kw) Power consumption for each ton of flour (kw/t) Output (t/24h) Plant size (L × W × H) m
Special flour
Grade-I flour
Grade-II flour
Standard flour
(Co-production allowed)
360 70-74 100 37×7.5×18.5
120T 470 70-74 120 40×7.5×18.5
150T 560 68-72 150 45×7.5×19
160T 650 68-72 160 47×7.5×19
200T 740 65-71 200 49×7.5×19
250T 960 65-71 250 51.5×12×23.5
300T 1170 65-71 300 61.5×12×27.5
350T 1210 65-71 350 61.5×12×27.5
400T 1675 65-70 400 72×12×29
500T 1950 65-70 500 87×12×30

Copyright ? 2019-2021 開封市奧盛工貿(mào)有限公司版權(quán)所有 備案號(hào):豫ICP備16027044號(hào)-1
地址:河南 · 開封市余良路268號(hào)技術(shù)支持:新動(dòng)力

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